The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

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The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the crusades

havingadmitted people (admitted people = into the west ie

immigration ) with greater allegiance to Islamic law than to

pluralismralism, freedom, and democracy.

To criticize is not to incite
The coura geous ex-Musli m Ibn Warra q calls on Musli ms to "admit

theroleof the Qur'an in the propagation of violence." If they do not,

how canthere be an end to jihad terror ism? Whatwillkeep jihadi sts

from continuing to use the Qur'an to recruit more terrorists, right under

the noses of fatuous WesternerslikeJudge Higgins. who would prefer
to pretend otherwise?

When Judge Higgins signed the guilty verdict on Daniel Scot, he

mayhave been signin g the death warrant not just for stae of Victori a

, but forfree Australia, and—if his example is followed elsewhere—

the entire Western world,

The murder of Theo van Gogh

An event in Holland a month before Higgins's verdict was even more
ominous: On November 2, 2004, Theo van Gogh was shot dead by a
Muslim on an Amsterda m street because of a film he had made. His
assailan t was a Dutch Mo ro cca n who was wea rin g tra dit ion al
Isl ami ccl ot hes .Aftershooting van Gogh several times, he stabbed him
repeatedly,slit histhroat withabutcher knife, and left a note on the body
containingversesfrom the Qur' an and thre ats to sever al publ ic figures
who had oppos edthe flood of Muslim immigrants into the Netherlands,
Yet Dutch prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende said, "Nothing is known
about the motive of the killer.'

Others were not quite so cautious. A Dutchstudentsaid, "This has to
end, once and for all, You cannot just kill people on the street in a brutal
waywhen you disagree with them."Job Cohen, the mayor of Amsterdam

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