The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and theCrusades,
foreign policy has never proceeded according to Biblical or Christian pre-
cepts, either explicitly or implicitly—except perhaps in the military's zeal to
avoid civilian casualties as much as possible (a principle that has been
contravened more than once]. The contrast with Osama bin Laden'sQur 'an-
fill ed mess ages shou ld be immed iat ely obvi ous—exce pt to all who
don't wish to see it, or who wish to obscure it.
Report honestly about jihadist
activity in the US andthe West.
An inf orm ed cit ize nry doe sn't jus t rea d the Qur 'an and oth er Isl ami c
source s. It also demands respon sible report ing from the media and hon-
esty from law enforcement officials about jihadist attacks in the United
States, We saw in chapter sixteen how common itisfor such attacks tobe
explained away. This obfuscation no doubt stems from an official fear of
stirr ing up vigila ntes who will victi mize Musli ms in Ameri ca. But this
insults the intelligence and decency of the American public. Official
unwillingness to draw obvious conclusions hinders our ability to make
informed decisions about how to conduct the War on Terror. It has to stop.
Reclassify Muslim organizations.
Any Mus lim gro up in Amer ica tha t doe s not exp lic itl y ren oun ce, in
word and in deed, any intention now or in the future to replace the Con-
stitut ion of the United States with Islamic sharia should be classi fied as a
politi cal rather than a religi ous organi zation , and should be subject toall
the res pons ibi lit ies and sta ndar ds to whic h pol iti cal orga niz ati ons
must adhere,
Take pride in Western culture.
It's time for all the schools that droppe d "Crusa ders" as their teamnam e
to readopt it. The corrosive effects of multicult uralism have bredasuici-
dal hatred of the West among our own children, It'stime to roll this back