In tr od uc ti on xiij,
Chap ter 1: Muham mad: Proph et ofWar 3
Muhammad the raider
The Battle of Badr
Assassination and deceit
Revenge and pretexts
In victory anddefeat,more Islam
PC Myth: Wecannegotiate with these people
Chapter 2:The Qur'a n: Book ofWar 19
The Qur'an counsels war
PC Myth: The Qur'an teachestoleranceand peace
PCMyt hThe Qu r' antea che sbe li ev er sto ta ke up ar ms
only in self-defense
The Qur'an's tolerant verses: "canceled"
PC Myth:TheQur'an and the Bibleare equally violent
Chapter3 :Islam : Relig ion of War 33
PC Myt h:Isl am' swar tea chi ngs areonly a tin yele men t of
the religion
Three choices
It's not just Muhammad's opinion. It's the law.
PC Myth: Islam is a religion of peace that has been
hijacked by atiny minority of extremists
But what about moderate Muslims?
Cha pt er4:Islam : Relig ion of Intol eranc e 47
PC Myth: Islamisatolerant faith
The dhimma