
(Kiana) #1

Article 69

Attract Money

With the help of powerful intentions and law of attraction, Universe magnifies the process
to manifest your desires. Add Reiki energy and Crystal energy along with Law of attraction
and leave all your worries and wishes to Universal Life Force Energy. Here is one of the
simplest method to attract more money:-

  • Take a cash note. If possible, take a bigger denomination.

  • Take Money Crystals, Hold in non-dominant hand, draw the power symbol and
    rotate your other hand coned fingers over it anti-clockwise and say CLEANSE
    CLEANSE CLEANSE. Program it with any Money Affirmation or you can use this
    one I place no limits on the amount of money I can receive.

  • Fold your cash and hold in non-dominant hand. Place crystals over it. Draw reiki
    symbols as well as any abundance symbols you know.

  • Give reiki to this cash and crystal with money affirmation or use this- I place no
    limits on the amount of money I can receive.

  • Put this cash in an envelope or box. If you select envelope, place your crystals on
    top of the envelope. If you select a box, place this crystals inside the box.

  • During next 3 months whenever you come across any unexpected money or
    anything that symbolizes money, put it in this envelope or box.

Do not keep counting. Notice the magic after 3 months J

I have collected quite a few notes in few days. I haven’t counted yet but very happy seeing
the bulge J

Here is another method-

This particular method is especially for needy ones. E.g. you need $500 to pay insurance
or you need $1000 to pay mortgage.

On a piece of paper draw the power symbol on 4 corners of the paper, sealing the energy.
Write your intention very clearly- I need $1000 to pay mortgage or I need $500 to
pay insurance dues. Draw reiki and abundance symbols on back side of the paper.
Give reiki to it for about 10 minutes. Carry this paper wherever you go throughout the

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