Article 4
Diseases and Associated Chakras
Happy and Blessed 2015 to all.
Here is an article especially written for new Reiki practitioners.
At one point in our Reiki practice, many of us were in a dilemma about which chakra to
heal for certain disease/problem. When I was a newbie in Reiki, I always wondered about
which chakra was to be healed for particular problem/disease. I used to browse through
the internet for long hours to satisfy my queries. Many new reiki practitioners go through
this same confusion.
We read about chakras, their colors, crystal healing etc, yet for new practitioners it’s quite
confusing as to which chakra is associated with which disease.
Recently I have gotten queries about which chakras are to be healed for certain problems.
Hence I thought of making this list with a few common problems/diseases and chakras
associated with them, especially for new Reiki practitioners. I am not writing about
chakras and their functions.