
(Kiana) #1

  1. White Light Shuffling- Shuffle your cards with the intention to remove stagnant
    and negative energy from it. While shuffling beam white light into your cards to
    transmit Divine Energy.

  2. Sage/Incense- Burn sage/incense stick. Hold your deck above it to let the smoke
    pass through it. Rotate your deck to cleanse all sides.

  3. Pendulum- Simply hold your pendulum above the deck asking the pendulum to
    cleanse it and bring in Divine light.

  4. Crystals- Cleanse and program your crystal to remove negative energy from your
    deck. Place the crystals over the deck or around the deck.

  5. Moonlight/Sunlight- Spread the cards and leave it outside in the sunlight or
    moon light. You can use crystals as paper weight if needed.

Your deck is now ready for the readings J

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