- Wear
- Place near your cash counter or work place
- Just display at your workplace and let it radiate its energy
- Keep beside bedside or under pillow
Green Aventurine for Children-
Green Aventurine can improve physical growth of toddlers and teenagers. When placed
near a pre-maturely born baby, it can help in stimulating baby’s growth. It also boosts
intelligence and memory and also calm down hyper-active children.
- Keep in bags or pockets
- Keep under pillow
- Wear
- Place at study table
- Make crystal water and consume
- Wear
Green Aventurine for physical issues-
Green Aventurine is related to heart chakra so it can help with physical issues related to
heart. It activates the heart chakra, keep it balanced and rotating. It removes blockages
from heart chakra and keeps the chakra healthy. It acts extremely gently without causing
any turbulences to the user. It can also help with issues like-
- Cardiac conditions
- Helps with fertility as it is related to Cupra- The fertility Goddess
- Blood pressure
- Lungs issues
- Cholesterol issues
- Skin issues
- Allergies
- Migraines
- Recover from surgery faster