
(Kiana) #1
THROAT Blue Kyanite, Turquoise, Lapis lazuli, Blue lace agate,
Sodalite, Amazonite

THIRD EYE Amethyst, Kyanite, Lolite, Selenite, Lapis lazuli, Sapphire,
Sodalite, Rainbow moonstone, Sugilite

CROWN Amethyst, Howlite, Clear Quartz, Selenite, Sugilite, White

SOUL STAR Clear Quartz, Selenite, Angel aura quartz, Blue Kyanite, ,

Use the above listed stones for chakra healing and issues related to particular chakras.
Place the stones on particular chakras and give reiki, wear the stones, carry the
programmed stones with you, keep in your house or work place, keep at altar... The list is

Note- The above listed crystals are just amongst the many crystals that can be used for
the particular chakras. Each stone can be used for multiple issues as per their properties.
Example- Green Aventurine is a heart chakra stone but it is also considered money and
luck stone, Tigers eye is considered Solar plexus stone but also can be used for money and

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