Q15. Can Reiki be merged with any other healing modalities?
Definitely YES. Reiki can be merged with any other modalities. Reiki energy compliments
other Reiki forms, medicines or any other healing method. For example, you can give
Reiki to someone who is hospitalized for faster recovery, can Reiki your medicines to
reduce side-effects, charge your crystals for crystal therapy, or even can be merged with
Angel Card Reading or Ho’oponopono prayer.
Q16. Is Reiki safe?
Yes, Reiki is 100% safe. It does not have any side effects. It works only for person’s highest
Q17. Can Reiki be administered to remove negativity?
Yes, Reiki removes negativity surrounding person or any space: house, office, or any area.
Practitioner detects heavy energy and can remove and cleanse the person or area.
Q18. Any particular hands positions when giving Reiki treatment?
Yes. You will be taught hands position in first degree to treat self and others. Distant
healing method is taught in level two.
Q19. How to do distant healing?
You will be given distant healing symbol when you learn second degree. You then draw
and invoke symbols and use the distant healing technique taught to you. You can heal
anyone across globe. Reiki energies travels across space, any dimension, distance or time.
You can heal your past, past lives or future too. The Reiki distant healing symbol bridges
time and space.
Q20. Can plants and nature be treated with Reiki?
Yes, you can see obvious difference between regular plants and ‘Reiki plants’. Reiki can
be sent to nature to reduce natural calamities impact. I always encourage giving healing
to Mother Earth.
Q21. Can Reiki be given to children and pregnant ladies?
Yes again, Reiki can be given to children. Children are in fact more receptive towards Reiki
energies. You can Reiki your child daily, Reiki their food, Reiki their bed and so on. Give
healing to your children when they are unwell. Reiki them to sleep better. List is endless.