Article 25
Imara Reiki
What is Imara Reiki? Imara Reiki was founded by Barton Wendel and his brother
Geoffrey Wendell and it was first channeled by Barton Wendel. Imara is a form of Reiki
that works on immense vibrational energy level as compared to other forms of Reiki. It
calls upon the spirit of Laho Chi (Lay Ho Chee) for enormous and intense healing. Imara
Reiki is considered to be a sacred energy for which one has to be a Usui Reiki Master.
Many refers Imara Reiki as level 5. Imara Reiki has no new symbol. Imara means “more”
hence “More Reiki”.
How does Imara Reiki help?
- Imara reiki is considered to have more vibrational energy than other reiki forms.
- It becomes very easier to invoke the Ki once you are attuned to Imara Reiki.
- Repeating “Laho Chi” makes Ki stronger and stronger. The more you chant, the
higher the vibrational energy level. - Release childhood traumas
- Release emotional, mental and physical blockages
- No symbols needed to pass the attunement
- It works profoundly with past lives issues
- Establishes strong spiritual connection
- Heals repressed issues that you are not aware of
- Often gives flashes and visions of guides and angels
- Delivers messages from spiritual realms
- Works on physical, emotional and spiritual level
How to heal with Imara Reiki?
When invoking angels and guides, say “Laho Chi please help, Laho Chi please help me”
three times. A Chinese old man may appear in your vision.
Self- Healing with Imara Reiki is simple. Say or chant “Laho Chi” minimum three times.
The more you chant the higher energy level you feel. Place your hands wherever you want
energy to flow. You may feel the energy flow or you may not, depends on person to person.