Functional Python Programming

(Wang) #1

The Functools Module

This class extends the tuple class; it has no additional slots, thereby making it
immutable. We've overridden the new() method so that we can seed initial
values of a rank and a suit. We've provided a repr() method to print a string
representation of a Card. We've provided two properties to extract a rank and a suit
using attribute names.

The rest of the class definition shows how we can define just two comparisons:

def eq(self, other):

if isinstance(other,Card):

return self.rank == other.rank

elif isinstance(other,Number):

return self.rank == other

def lt(self, other):

if isinstance(other,Card):

return self.rank < other.rank

elif isinstance(other,Number):

return self.rank < other

We've defined the eq() and lt() functions. The @total_ordering
decorator handles the construction of all other comparisons. In both cases, we've
allowed comparisons between cards and also between a card and a number.

First, we get proper comparison of only the ranks as follows:

c2s= Card(2, '\u2660')

c2h= Card(2, '\u2665')

c2h == c2s


c2h == 2


We can use this class for a number of simulations with simplified syntax to
compare ranks of cards. Further, we also have a rich set of comparison operators
as follows:

c2s= Card(2, '\u2660')

c3h= Card(3, '\u2665')

c4c= Card(4, '\u2663')

c2s <= c3h < c4c


c3h >= c3h

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