Functional Python Programming

(Wang) #1
Chapter 11

In Python syntax, we can write it as follows:


def func( ):


This will provide a parameterized deco(arg) function to the base function definition.

The effect is as follows:

def func( ):


func= deco(arg)(func)

We've done three things and they are as follows:

  1. Define a function, func.

  2. Apply the abstract decorator, deco(), to its arguments to create a concrete
    decorator, deco(arg).

  3. Apply the concrete decorator, deco(arg), to the base function to create the
    decorated version of the function, deco(arg)(func).

A decorator with arguments involves indirect construction of the final function.
We seem to have moved beyond merely higher-order functions into something
even more abstract: higher-order functions that create higher-order functions.

We can expand our bad-data aware decorator to create a slightly more flexible
conversion. We'll define a decorator that can accept parameters of characters to
remove. Following is a parameterized decorator:

import decimal
def bad_char_remove(char_list):
def cr_decorator(function):
def wrap_char_remove(text,
args, kw):
return function(text, *args, *kw)
except (ValueError, decimal.InvalidOperation):
cleaned= clean_list(text, char_list)
return function(cleaned,
return wrap_char_remove
return cr_decorator

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