The Politics of Intervention

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  1. Roosevelt to Taft, September 28, 1906, Taft-Bacon Report, p. 480.
    58. Roosevelt to Taft, September 28, 1906, Taft-Bacon Report, p. 481.
    59. Taft to Roosevelt, September 28, 1906, Case 244/300, Num. File,
    1906-1910, Vol. XXXVII, RG 59.

  2. Sworn statements of Frank M. Steinhart, Maj. E. K Ladd, and
    Gen. A. Rodriguez, September 28 and 29, 1906, Case 18730, General
    Classified Files, 1898-1945, Records of the Bureau of Insular Affairs,
    U.S. War Department, National Archives, Record Group 350. Here­
    after cited as General Classified Files, BIA, RG 350.

  3. Taft to Roosevelt, September 28, 1906, Taft-Bacon Report, pp.

  4. William Inglis, "The Collapse of the Cuban House of Cards,"
    Harper's Weekly, L (October 20, 1906), 1505. Substantially the same
    account appeared in the New York Times, September 29, 1906.

  5. Ferrer, Con el rifle al hombro, p. 204.

  6. Proclamation of September 29, 1906, Taft-Bacon Report, p. 486.

  7. Roosevelt to Kermit Roosevelt, September 30, 1906, Roosevelt

  8. Roosevelt to Henry Cabot Lodge, October 1, 1906; Roosevelt to
    Albert C. Beveridge, October 5, 1906, Roosevelt Papers.

  9. Durand to Grey, October 8, 1906, FO 371-56, PRO.

  10. Root to Gonzalo de Quesada, October 1, 1906 Foreign Relations,
    1906, p. 487.

  11. "Speech of Wm. H. Taft, Provisional Governor of Cuba, at the
    Opening Exercises of the National University of Habana, October 1,
    1906," Exhibit 26, Taft-Bacon Report, pp. 540-42.
    he Temps (Paris) observed that Taft's speech was politically wise,
    for Washington had no desire to annex Cuba or lose "the moral au­
    thority" cultivated by Root's good-will trip to South America, he Temps
    doubted that any "durable solution" to Cuba's problems would be
    found. Sir Francis Bertie, British ambassador to France, to Grey, October
    3, 1906, FO 371-56, PRO.

  12. Memo for Brig. Gen. G. F. Elliott, Commandant, U.S. Marine
    Corps to the Secretary of the Navy, based on a telegram from Col.
    L. W. T. Waller, October 12, 1906, Case 24111, General File, 1897­
    1926, General Records of the Navy Department, National Archives,
    Record Group 80. Hereafter cited as General File, RG 80.

  13. 1st Lt. W. P. Upshur, USMC, to Dr. and Mrs. John N. Upshur,
    October 5, 1906, General William P. Upshur Papers, Southern Historical
    Collection, University of North Carolina Library.

  14. Upshur to Dr. J. N. Upshur, October 24, 1906, Upshur Papers.

  15. Taft-Bacon Report, pp. 464-65.

  16. Reports of the Disarmament Commission, October 9—November
    8, 1906, Exhibit 22, Taft-Bacon Report, pp. 521-33.

  17. New York Times, October 15, 1906; Taft-Bacon Report, p. 526.

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