The Politics of Intervention

(sharon) #1


  1. Brig. Gen. C. R. Edwards, Chief, Bureau of Insular Affairs, to
    Taft, April 3, 1907; Memorandum to Brig. Gen. J. F. Bell from Maj.
    Frank Maclntyre, April 2, 1907, both File 15984, General Classified
    Files, BIA, RG 350.

  2. William E. Curtis to Roosevelt, April 17, 1907, Taft-Roosevelt
    Correspondence, Taft Papers.

  3. Magoon to Taft, October 16, 1907; Taft to Magoon, October 18,
    1907, both 15984, General Classified Files, BIA, RG 350.

  4. Republica de Cuba, Diario de sesiones de la Comision Consultiva,
    Tomo III, numero 212, 31 enero 1908 (Havana, 1908), pp. 141-52.
    Voting for the Permanent Army: Garcia Kohly, Zayas, Gonzalez Sar­
    rain, Carrera Justiz, Juan Gualberto Gomez, Regiieiferos Bodet; voting
    against: Viondi, Winship, Coronado, Schoenrich; Montoro, abstaining.
    Later Zayas proposed to create the cabinet post of Secretary of War and
    Navy (Cuba had no Navy), but Crowder squelched him.

  5. Republica de Cuba, Decrees 365 and 366, April 4, 1908, Gaceta
    ojicial (April-May, 1908), pp. 3393-3405.

  6. Magoon to Taft, April 9, 1908, File 15984, General Classified
    Files, BIA, RG 350. To keep Guerra out of the country until after the
    1908 elections and to broaden his formal military education, Magoon
    shipped him off to the Army schools in the United States and then to
    France. Pino took it all philosophically. There was little, he said, for a
    military man to do in Cuba with the United States troops on hand.
    Magoon, Report, 1907-1908, p. 77; Lockmiller, Magoon in Cuba,
    p. 145; Capt. J. A. Ryan to Maj. Gen. Faustino Guerra, November 3,
    1907, File 247, CC/PGoC, RG 199.

  7. La Discusion (Havana), April 6, 1908.

  8. MID to C/S, ACP, April 7, 1908, File 229, CC/PGoC, RG 199.

  9. Alvarez Diaz et ah, Estudio sobre Cuba, p. 368.

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