We now savor the nectar 的/0>¡
of technology 整版整版的DE 34 在 67 的 8 ·
Video games transform a 的8= 9 >¡
thousand years of ethics ::f首<着=>的?
In games, the strong prey S
upon the weak ́有¶¡GH的IJKL的M票OP
to the amusement of young 的Q>>¡
and old 数S的T_
The news of humanity, how 的W化>¡
very fortunate! .隆改Zs
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The pop songs of humanity, bÅ$cd面Ìefg
how very fortunate! ºÕhijk来留mno的pq
From just the few hit tunes 的
held in your tiny hand
Can ignite an inferno of a 申w
billion in CD sales
And that splendid dust-raising
stock market
The jockeys of humanity, how
very fortunate
Each erection can buy
innumerable climaxes
The evolution of humanity,
how very fortunate!
Cloning changed the
supply-demand system
of sperm and ovaries
Humanity comes and goes
Busy picking up goods from
inside desire
No more storehouses for falsity
of a woman’s gaze
The fortune of humanity belongs
to humanity!
Humanity can, after making a
huge mistake
Apply for a patent on fortune
(Yan 2004: 132)
From such a poem we see the ways in which incorporation starts with
a recognition that the human will finds a way of asserting itself,
naturally. In Yan’s work this assertion occurs even against the odds of
rapidly disappearing resources on the natural level and also in defiance
Yan Li in the Global City 159
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