Hypnotic Writing

(Grace) #1


An editor in California, DeWitt Scott once co-created a computer
program that automatically knocked out every sixth word in his
writings. Scott realized that though the program often deleted
words that he needed, it also showed him that he could edit his
writing more ruthlessly.
Look at your own stuff. What if you deleted every sixth word—
or every third word—or even every fourth sentence?
No doubt you would sometimes lose a word or phrase you
needed. But I bet you’d learn that you could tighten your writing,
too. Readers today want concise, simple writing. Delete everything
that doesn’t serve your writing. Trim the fat. If that means knock-
ing out every sixth word, then do it!
Sometimes writers tell me they can’t possibly tighten their writ-
ing. It’s perfect as it is, they say.
“Could you trim your writing if you were offered $1,000 to do
so?” I ask. They sure can! Your writing isn’t carved in stone. It’s
plastic. You can change it, delete it, and redo it.
Remember the “delete every sixth word” program as you reread
your writing. It will help you strengthen your material. Also re-
member the great quote from novelist Elmore Leonard: “I try to
leave out the parts people skip.”


Best-selling horror novelist Stephen King suggests you make 10
copies of your work and hand them to 10 friends. Invite their feed-
back. Ask them to edit your writing. Tell them to feel free to say
whatever they want.
Yes, you are opening yourself to heavy gunfire. But you will also
get a lot of editorial feedback—free!
The trick is to not take anything personally. Pretend you’re a re-
searcher. All you’re doing is taking a poll. Who likes your writing?
Who doesn’t? What do they like? What do they hate?
King suggests that you look for the similarities in the feedback
you get. In other words, if most of your 10 readers say they can’t

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