(Marcin) #1

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essay on Greek Architecture (L: P&W).
———— (1826): The Architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio in Ten Books (L: P&W).
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———— (1837): Elements of Architectural Criticism (L: Williams).
———— (1848): New Edition of NICHOLSON’s Principles of Architecture (L: Bohn).
———— (1903): An Encylopaedia of Architecture, Historical, Theoretical, & Practical (L: Lo, 1842, with subsequent
edns. of 1845, 1854, 1859, 1867, 1876, & 1889 (the last three edns. by WYATT *PAPWORTH, whose 1903 edn. is
that referred to in the present work).
HABACHI, LABIB (1984): The Obelisks of Egypt: Skyscrapers of the Past (Cairo: American U in Cairo Press).
HABBEL, JOSEF (Ed.) (1943): Dominikus Böhm (Reg: Hl).
HABEL, DOROTHY METZGER (1981): ‘Piazza Sant’ Ignazio, Rome, in the 17th and 18th centuries’, in Zeitschrift
für Geschichte der Baukunst, xi, 31-65.
HABRAKEN, NICHOLAS (1972): Supports: an Alternative to Mass Housing (L: AP).
HACKNEY, ROD (1990): The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Cities in Crisis (L: Muller).
HADAMOWSKY, FRANZ (1962): Die Familie Galli-Bibiena in Wien (Vi: Pracher).
HADFIELD, MILES, HARLING, ROBERT, & HIGHTON, LEONIE (1980): British Gardeners: A Biographical
Dictionary (L: Z).
HADID, ZAHA, ET AL. (2001): Zaha Hadid 1996-2001: Landscape as a Plan (Ma: ElC).
HAESLER, OTTO (1930): Zum Problem des Wohnungsbaues (Be: Rf).
———— (1957): Mein Lebenswerk als Architekt (Be: Hev).
HAGENMAIER, OTTO (1977): Der goldene Schnitt (Mü: Moos).
HAGER, HELMUT (1970): Filippo Juvarra (Ro: DL).
HAGER, LUISA (1955): Nymphenburg: Schloss, Park, und Burgen (Mü: Hr).

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