(Marcin) #1

IRWIN, ROBERT (2004): The Alhambra (L: Profile).
ISAACS, REGINALD R. (1983-4): Walter Gropius: Der Mensch und sein Werk (Be: Mann).
ISON, WALTER (1969): The Georgian Buildings of Bath (Bath: Kd). A later edn. came out in 1980.
ISOZAKI, ARATA (1991): Arata Isozaki: Architecture, 1960-1990 (LA.CA: MCA, & N.Y.: R).
———— (1995): Works in Architecture (L: AcG).
ITO, TADAHIKO (1974): The Third Generation Architect and Concept (To: ADAE).
IVERSEN, ERIK (1968): Obelisks in Exile (Cn: Gad).
IVY, ROBERT ADAMS (1992): Fay Jones. The Architecture of E. Fay Jones (WDC: AIA).
IWICKI, ZYGMUNT (1980): Der Hochaltar der Kathedrale in Oliva (Freiburg: HSV).
IXNARD, PIERRE-MICHEL D’ (1791): Recueil d’Architecture (Sg: Trl).
JACKSON, DAVINA, & JOHNSON, CHRIS (2000): Australian Architecture Now (L: T&H).
JACKSON, FRANK (1985): Sir Raymond Unwin: Architect, Planner, & Visionary (L: Z).
JACKSON, NEIL (1996): The Modern Steel House (L: Spon).
———— (2002): Craig Ellwood (L: LK).
JACKSON, SIR THOMAS GRAHAM (2003): Recollections, SIR NICHOLAS JACKSON, BT. (Ed.), with Gazetteer
JACOBS, JANE (1961): The Death and Life of Great American Cities (N.Y.: RH).
———— (1969): The Economy of Cities (N.Y.: RH).
———— (1984): Cities and the Wealth of Nations: Principles of Economic Life (N.Y.: RH).
———— (1992): Systems of Survival: A Dialogue on the Moral Foundations of Commerce and Politics (N.Y.: RH).
———— (1996): Edge of Empire: Postcolonialism and the City (L: RKP).
JACOBS, STEVEN (1996): Henry van de Velde (Leuven: vH).
JACOBSON, DAWN (1993): Chinoiserie (L: Ph).
JACOBUS, JOHN (1962): Philip Johnson (N.Y.: Bz).

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