(Marcin) #1

SUDJIC, DEYAN (1986): Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, James Stirling: New Directions in British Architecture (L:
———— (1995): The Architecture of Richard Rogers (N.Y.: Ab).
———— (1997): Erick van Egeraat: Six Ideas about Architecture (Ba: Bi).
————, MEADE J., & COOK, P. (1988): English Extremists: The Architecture of Campbell, Zogolovitch, Wilkinson,
& Gough (L: But, FE).
SUIDA, WILLIAM EMIL (1953): Bramante pittore e il Bramantino (Mi: Cna).
SULLIVAN, LOUIS HENRI (1956): The Autobiography of an Idea (N.Y.: Do; repr. 1924 edn.).
———— (1967): A System of Architectural Ornament (N.Y., Eakins; repr. 1924 edn.).
———— (1980): Kindergarten Chats (N.Y.: Do; repr. 1934 edn.).
SULZER, PETER, ET AL. (1993): Jean Prouvé (1901-1984) (Tü: W).
———— (1995): Jean Prouvé: Complete Works, Vol. 1: 1917-1933 (Tü: W).
———— (2000): Jean Prouvé: Complete Works, Vol. 2: 1934-1944 (Ba: Bi).
———— (2002): Jean Prouvé: Highlights: 1917-1944 (Ba: Bi).
SUMMERSON, SIR JOHN NEWENHAM (1948): Architecture in England since Wren (L: Lo).
———— (1952): Sir John Soane, 1753-1837 (L: A&T).
———— (1963): Heavenly Mansions and other Essays on Architecture (N.Y.: No).
———— (1965): Sir Christopher Wren (L: Cs).
———— (1966): Inigo Jones (Ha: P). See also the 2000 edn., with Foreword by SIR HOWARD COLVIN (N.H. & L:
———— (1970): Victorian Architecture: Four Studies in Evaluation (N.Y.: ColUP).
———— (1976): The Architecture of Victorian London (C.VA: UPVA).
———— (1980): The Classical Language of Architecture (L: T&H).
———— (1980a): The Life and Work of John Nash, Architect (L: A&U).
———— (1986): Architecture of the Eighteenth Century (L: T&H).

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