(Marcin) #1

Fio Fiorentino
F&K Fröhlich & Kaufmann
FL Frances Lincoln
FMK&G Freunde Mainfränkischer Kunst & Geschichte
FMTEEC Fumihiko Maki Travelling Exhibition Executive Committee
Fo Fordham
FoA Foreign Affairs
Foe Folkestone
FoF Facts on File
Fol Foligno
Fon Fontana
Found. Foundation
FP Free Press
FpA Fondation pour l’architecture
Fr Frauenfeld
Fs François
FS Fabian Society
Fu Fontainebleau
FuP Foulis Press
FW.TX Fort Worth, TX
G Garland
Ga Gallimard
GA Garden Art
Gal Galtgarben
Gan Gangemi
Gb Gothenburg
GB Grass, Barth
GBO Gauverlag Bayerische Ostmark
GC Garden Cities
G&C Gifford & Craven
GC.NY Garden City, NY
GCHAH Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities
Gd Greifswald
GDI Grove’s Dictionaries Inc.
Ge Gerold
Gek Gemeentekrediet
GeMus. Gemeentemuseum

GFASFA Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts
Gg Gregg
GG The Georgian Group
Gh Görlich
GH Georgian House
Gi Gili
Gia Gianelli
Gib Gibraltar
GJS Galerie Jousse Seguin
Gk Gesamthochschulbibliothek
Gl Goupil
GLA Green, Lloyd, & Adams
GLC Greater London Council
Gle Grenoble
Gm Golem
GM Guggenheim Museum
GN Germanisches Nuremberg Nationalmuseum,
Gn Gräfenhainichen
Gna Galatina
GNdS Gabinetto Nazionale della Stampa
Gö Göppingen
Gon Gandon
GoS Grantown-on-Spey
Göt Göttingen
Govt. Government
GP Greenwood Press
Gr Gloucester
Grn Grossman
Gr&Wa Graves & Warmsley
Gs Geigers
GS Gibbs Smith
Gt Garrett
GTP Gower Technical Press
Gu Guildford, Surrey
Gua Guadalajara
GuL Guildhall Library
Gur Gueffier
Gv Greven
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