Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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examined countless times still with no success at obtaining any kind of clearer picture or any real
answers at all.
After such a lengthy period of time you would think that any normal person or profession
would have possibly explored some other avenues, but not Academia, they continue forward up
what is looking more and more like a blind alley, convinced that sooner or later someone in the
science community will uncover the ‘missing link’ they so desperately need to prove Darwin
correct. They feel justified in these continued and invariably fruitless quests, insisting that not
enough time has yet passed since the theory was conceived for them to find the evidence they
need in such an inadequate and as yet incomplete fossil record.
Yet if the truth be known it is extremely unlikely that any such transitional species will ever be
found. Why? Because though evolution is, in some ways, undoubtedly correct, quite simply not
enough time has yet passed on the earth for anything as complicated as modern man to have yet
evolved. Recent studies in Human DNA also undeniably prove that, on a cellular level, it is not in
fact genetically possible that man ever did evolve from apes.

No scientist would probably ever tell you any of this unless forced to debate the issue with you
on paper, but the differences in the two species are simply much too vast for evolution from
primates to modern man to have ever been possible in the time since the arrival of primates on the
earth, or even since the time of Australopithecus.
In fact, according to the sciences of biology and genetics, such a transition is actually quite
inconceivable. Consider also that between the arrival of Australopithecus and the appearance of
Neanderthal a period of about 2,900,000 years passed and yet there was no real advancement in
all of that time, and we can see this because the tools that we have discovered of the two species
remain virtually identical. Then about 35,000 years ago modern man suddenly arrived on the
scene. Where did he come from so quickly? How is it possible?
Put quite simply, it’s not – not without help.

Door Number Three
It must be difficult to be a scientist who is forced to remain within set parameters while
knowing full well that within these parameters, a surprising number of species that exist on earth
including man, quite simply have no business actually being here at all.
In order to help deal with this dilemma, when new theories are presented within Academia, the
new information is assessed, discussed, criticised, moulded, remoulded and even remoulded yet
again if necessary until the new data can be fitted comfortably into the current paradigm in any
particular field, be it archaeology, palaeontology, biology – whatever. As we have previously
discussed, this process is necessary in order to make the information conform as closely as
possible to every leading, and obviously concerned, scientist's current way of thinking. To present
a theory in any other way within Academia is simply inviting immediate rejection under a barrage
of scathing criticism. This authoritarian system of excruciating "peer review" has always been an
effective way of keeping independent thinkers among the orthodox science community out of the
public information loop.
However, in spite of this vast ‘information filtering system’ that is in place, it is becoming
increasingly clear that Darwin’s theory will soon become as obsolete as the notion that the earth
is flat and the stars revolve around us despite the constant attempts by academia to keep the
flailing theory’s nose above the fast rising waters of contrary evidence.
Author Lloyd Pye wrote an extremely informative and very well researched book on this topic
that I highly recommend reading entitled ‘Human Origins’ where he aptly demonstrates the
enormous difference between Primates and Humans. Naturally the work received some scathing
criticism from the science community despite its meticulous research and abundant evidence.
Such constant attacks are becoming tiresome these days but can also be useful in some ways,
because knowing how intent Academia at large is in suppressing information, you usually find

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