Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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Nibiru, through the fixed orbital path it had acquired, was now destined to always return to the
site of the celestial collision and cross the path of the asteroid belt where Tiamat had once orbited.
For this reason the planet is called “Nibiru – the Planet of the Crossing’.
And so it was that “The Celestial Lord created the Hammered Bracelet and the Earth”

Again the texts do not mention how long things stayed in this fashion. They do however most
definitely say that intelligent life first appeared on Nibiru long before it was ever to be found on
earth, Where this life came from or how it evolved is not told, just that it was there
But eons later, all was not well on Nibiru, for because of the vastness of its new orbit and the
great distances the planet traveled from the Sun, the inhabitants of the planet, the Anunnaki, were
suffering and facing a slow but inevitable extinction due to a steady erosion of their planets
atmosphere. It had started when a hole had appeared in the protective ozone layer that surrounded
the planet. Nibiru usually remained at a reasonably constant temperature throughout its vast orbit
due to a thick greenhouse atmosphere that was continuously replenished by constant volcanic
activity. But that activity had now slowed down endangering life on the Planet.
It was decided to create “Weapons of Terror” to reawaken the volcanoes but even after the
blinding explosions from them had been directed at the sleeping mountains they still refused to
release their volcanic clouds and the atmosphere continued to erode. It was then discovered by
scientists that the problem could be alleviated by suspending fine particles of gold dust in the
upper atmosphere to create a curtain of charged particles which would protect and shield them
during the planets vast orbital peregrinations away from the sun.
Gold was a substance that was very rare on Nibiru but the Anunnaki knew that gold existed in
abundance within the Hammered Bracelet and so a dangerous mission was organized to retrieve
the substance from the chunks of blasted rock within the asteroid belt.
The mission was a total failure and many brave heroes were crushed by the giant boulders in a
dangerous quest that was attempted to gain a quantity of the precious metal from the asteroids and
rescue their planet. Not hero one returned from the quest.

According to the texts, it was about 455,000 BC that due to a failure of the ruler of Nibiru to
fix the deteriorating environment, a rebellion erupted. The ruler, ‘Alalu’ was deposed by his half-
brother ‘Anu’ who wrested the kingship from Alalu in a naked wrestling contest.
In fear for his safety after his defeat, Alalu fled Nibiru, escaping in a Celestial Boat and after a
journey fraught with dangers, reached the inner planets and became the first emissary of the
Anunnaki that arrived on Earth. His initial arrival was very shaky, not knowing whether the
atmosphere was breathable, or if he would be better landing on land or water, he hesitated and his
chariot was snared by the Earths gravity: “Its spread wings became aglow, Earths atmosphere was
like an oven...” Eventually he crash landed safely in the Sinai region.
He soon discovered that the precious and much needed gold could be found here. Alalu sent
word to Nibiru of his find but it wasn’t until about 5000 years later that a further group of 50
Anunnaki (the biblical Elohim) led by one of Anu’s sons named ‘Ea’ arrived to investigate.
When Ea (meaning ‘Lord of Water’) first arrived on Earth, the texts tell us that he and his party
were also extremely unsure of the landing so, after locking onto Alalu’s beacon, they splashed
their craft down in the waters of the Persian Gulf. When they arrived on the shore they were
wearing “Fish Suits” and because they were still unsure of the atmosphere each had also donned
an “Eagle Mask.”
Ea quickly established the first Anunnaki settlement of ‘Eridu’ in the area that was once
Mesopotamia, with the objective of extracting gold from the waters of the Gulf.
Though little gold was extracted from the ocean waters, operations went well quite under Ea’s
control for some time but eventually gold production in the Gulf region began to falter and slow
so Ea’s father Anu decided to visit Earth to investigate the problem, bringing with him his other
son, Ea’s half brother named ‘Enlil’ who, though younger that Ea was of purer blood and so the

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