Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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transparent once you have acquired the necessary skills to spot them, though it’s not always easy
to penetrate the smokescreen of propaganda and disinformation to get to the real agenda hidden
beneath. However the bad news is that the conspiracy is Global and there are some very big
players involved who have worked very hard to get the current academic mindset deeply
ingrained in our psyche. Of course the Persian Gulf region has been kept a war zone for so long
now that it’s kind of hard to get in there to do much more investigation. Perhaps after they have
bombed all trace of any ancient ruins out of existence they will let people back in to investigate.
In the meantime our governments seem to work very hard to provide as many distractions in
people’s daily lives as they can. This is because if you can keep the population living on the edge
all the time they end up so caught up with the rigors of daily modern life, getting to work, paying
the bills, looking out for the kids, worrying about the economy, the college fund, the groceries,
the neighbors, terrorists, God, taxes, fine print, the environment and keeping up with the Jones,
they don’t really notice or even often care about looking at the bigger picture to see what’s going
on all around them, let alone in what may have happened in the past.

The Cover-up in Motion
There are a great number of scholars who have attempted to bring some very substantial and
worthwhile information to public knowledge but who have all have been publicly vilified whether
their information was credible or not. Even some people who have just been doing their job have
had their lives reduced to tatters for not being prepared to lie in the name of science.
However it has become apparent that the academic community also has in place a very distinct
set of double standards when it comes to the free flow of any information. Academia considers
Scientists to consist of highly educated, well trained and intellectually capable people and they
deduce that they and only they are able to assimilate and process scientific information and then
make the correct critical distinctions between fact and fiction, reality and fantasy and right and
wrong while we, the uneducated and unwashed public is very simply deemed to be incapable of
functioning on this ‘higher mental plane of superior intellectuality’.
The current Academic community, sadly, has this of demeanour intellectual superiority
permeating through it deeply and it has been that way for some time. It is an attitude that is thinly
veiled by meticulously planned and carefully and orchestrated public relations. To the public,
science and progress can always be seen as by products of each other, but unfortunately such is
not always the case, it’s just cleverly made to look that way.
In order to work as a functional institution in an open and democratic society, science has to
operate within the same parameters as society at large; science by its very nature needs to be open
to debate, argument and counter-argument. There is no place for unquestioned authoritarianism
and ego in true science. Yet it exists, and in full view. Even Alfred Wegener, the German
meteorologist who first purposed the theory of plate tectonics back in 1915 was the subject of
some very spiteful attacks and had his discovery buried for some 50 years because he dared to
bruise various Academic egos. Einstein was first thought a fool..
It is unfortunate that we now see this same unscientific approach applied to many other fields
of study just as has become the ‘norm’ in modern archaeology and anthropology. More and more
often we see situations where scientists quite simply refuse to prove the theories they present to
us, yet appoint themselves as the final arbiters of the facts, while the real information is hurriedly
suppressed; and this is often done in full view.
We have seen for example, the trouble that was caused for the farmer who discovered the Ica
stones in Peru and the extraordinary efforts made to discredit the very significant research and
substantial geological testing done on the Sphinx by West and Schoch, even to the extent of
banning them from future Giza research. Graham Hancock has also been ferociously attacked for
his book ‘Fingerprints of the Gods’ in which he put forth several theories containing a great deal
of merit concerning a common link between many ancient cultures in the past. Links that point to

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