Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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  1. It is an undeniable fact that the very first civilization that existed in our records possessed
    very detailed astronomical, astrological and cosmological knowledge right from its very
    inception, that such knowledge can only possibly be discovered through the use of advanced
    science and we have amply demonstrated the impossibility of man ever coming up with such
    information as precession of the Zodiac through his own devices in ancient times. It has also been
    abundantly demonstrated by many scholars and authors that the correlations between the
    structures, temples alignments and numerical references in the myths and legends from a great
    number of vastly different ancient races, coupled with the nature of the myths and legends
    themselves, all undeniably point to a common link in our distant past.

  2. We have seen geological and fossil records displaying indisputable proof it is a fact that
    modern man existed contemporaneously with prehistoric life forms that lived, apparently,
    millions of years old and yet at the same time discovered irrefutable genetic evidence, proving
    beyond doubt the essence of man, the human genome, is no more than 200,000 years old. We
    have also seen the very same genetic studies provide evidence of the vast differences between
    man and primates proving beyond doubt the fact that Darwin’s theory of evolution is essentially
    flawed, that man could never possibly have evolved from primates through evolution on its own
    and we have now, even more recently, witnessed the discovery of an entirely new species of
    miniature humans further confounding believers of both Darwin’s theory and in of religious
    creationism. We have also demonstrated evidence of genetically manipulated plants that have
    existed all over the earth since far ancient times.

  3. This information has had the tangential effect of providing credible evidence to suggest that
    dinosaurs did not in fact, die out 65 million years ago but survived a great deal longer and we
    have in turn discovered quite recently that dinosaurs were warm blooded creatures more
    resembling birds and not the slow moving reptiles they were once thought to be.

  4. Indisputable evidence, now recognized by scholars and theologians alike, has also shown us
    it is an absolute fact that all creation stories stem from the one ancient account. An account that
    has been now demonstrated to in fact be a vividly detailed narrative of a series of dramatic
    celestial and genetic events the details of which were first recounted by the ancient Sumerians.

  5. Modern scientific and astronomical data now parallels this Sumerians story of the creation of
    our solar system inscribed on clay tablets thousands of years ago and it has also been openly
    admitted by scientists that the data received from the Voyager Spacecraft showed us that
    everything we thought we knew about the cosmos before that point was entirely wrong.Yet by
    way of comparison we have seen that the Ancient Sumerian accounts adequately and
    satisfactorily explain every single enigmatic aspect of our Solar System, right down to the
    eccentricities of Pluto’s orbit, the sideways rotation of Uranus, the asteroid belt and the existence
    of the comets and their elongated and retrograde (clockwise) orbits.

  6. We can also see in these tales, vast evidence that suggests a detailed knowledge of still other
    information that we are still now discovering, such as DNA. We have also had it made clear to us
    by the Sumerian account that there is yet another, still yet unknown, planetary body in our solar
    system and this information has only now been confirmed as recently as 2005 and even more of
    the Sumerian accounts are being backed up by modern scientific data. Even the enigmatic face on
    Mars and its nearby ruins is mentioned in the ancient Sumerian texts.

  7. It has been demonstrated that these texts also provide 6000 year old documented reports and
    pictorial evidence that the pyramids existed even in ancient Sumerian times adding noticeable
    details like mentioning the enigmatic sealed ascending passage, the lack of remains within and
    the strange twisting ‘well shaft’ of the great pyramid. All are adequately explained by Sumerian
    texts. We have discussed how this timeframe is still further supported by geological evidence
    proving it to be a fact that the Sphinx is at least 10,500 years old, further attesting to the existence
    of the far greater antiquity of the Giza site. We have then shown that in Egypt, actual texts exist
    that explain the processes involved in the synthesis of hardened limestone and amply
    demonstrated that these methods do in fact work, indicating that the pyramids were most likely

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