Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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spacecraft!" The research team has not ruled out the possibility that the small human species
may actually have survived on the island until as recently as the 1500s. This idea is also greatly
supported by local folk tales. The local legends tell us that the little people lived in caves in the
forests and were well known to the local villagers who would leave food outside at night for the
little people to collect mostly in louver gourds and according to the co-author of the study, a
Richard Roberts of the University of Wollongong: "Legend has it these were the guests from hell;
they’d eat everything – including the gourds."
The local legends actually go a good deal further than that and it may be this diminutive race of
forest dwellers became more than just the guests from hell and became too much for the local
inhabitants. One tale has it that in times when food was scarce the little folk would come down
from the mountains and steal food from the villagers. Locals report that only a few generations
ago, on one such occasion while conducting one of these raids, they also stole a baby from a
villager. The angry villagers, knowing of the mountain cave where the little folk dwelt, formed an
angry mob and made their way to cave you retrieve the infant. Upon their arrival they found the
child long dead and so in their wrath the set fire to the cave and fueled the fire so they would be
rid of the forest people for ever.
If such a tale is indeed true then it is not unreasonable the surmise that there may well have
been more than just a single colony of such forest people who may well have taken fright at the
fiery demise of their brethren and moved deeper into the jungle and if that be the case, they well
still be living in some remote area..
Sightings of such small forest people have occurred in New Guinea and in Queensland
Australia in an area of Lamington National Park known as “the Lost World” a dense subtropical
rainforest location of very mountainous and rugged terrain, though none of these sightings have
been ‘confirmed’, in other words, they haven’t managed to catch or kill one yet.

It is interesting to note here that if one is to study the timeframe of our history and also the
timeframe of evolution as it presents itself, but also take the Sumerian account of creation at face
value a startling possibility presents itself.
Why were the Gods of old always depicted as being of greater stature than man and spoken of
as giants? If indeed they were giants and if indeed they mixed their DNA with Hominid DNA to
create man as the texts suggest then it is not entirely unreasonable to imagine that Homo-
Florensiensis may well be the origin of the Earthly DNA that was used. This race may now be
where man would have actually progressed to if he had been left to his own evolutionary devices
in the time that has passed since Neanderthal.
Could it not be possible that our current size, which is larger than Homo-flores and yet still
smaller than that of the ‘Gods’ could well be the result of an intermingling of the two ‘gene
pools’ of the larger and smaller races.
Could it be that Homo Flores is actually the missing genetic link so sought after? That would
simply turn evolution on its head. Time may show the discovery of this new human species to be
the final nail in the Darwinian coffin and I imagine that Theologians will be equally mortified.
I’m not saying that such a thing is so, I’m just mentioning that it’s an interesting thought and if
one is consider all the evidence it’s not entirely outside the realms of possibility. Time will tell.

The first-ever discovery of traces of a dinosaur heart in a fossil discovered in Raleigh, North
Carolina (fig.157) has also now provided equally disturbing evidence that a large number of the
long-extinct beasts were not the slow and plodding creatures that had so far been imagined but
were in fact quick and agile, even quite similar to birds!
The fossil, now on display at the South Dakota museum, was exceptionally well-preserved and
a 3-D view of the heart absolutely astounded researchers because the heart contained four highly
developed chambers and a single arched aorta!
"The single aorta completely separates the oxygen-rich blood from the oxygen-poor
blood and sends it to all parts of the body," said Russell. "This challenges some of the

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