Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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Science and Religion
Consider for a moment that if man was forced to start again right from this point, right now.
Consider what would happen if there was some kind of major cataclysm like a comet impact right
now, today, and pockets of survivors were forced back to the stone-age to begin culture and
society anew. What faiths would they keep, adhere to or create? What sciences would they
eventually discover, develop and embrace? Would it be the sciences we have knowledge of now
or would the evolution of the craft branch of in another completely different direction?
Before his death Einstein was already working on the concept of the unified field and now in
modern days we can see some of that vision a reality with the advent of quantum physics and
string theory. It is common knowledge that all matter is ultimately composed of light and sound,
vibrating at specific frequencies. Einstein theorized that gravity also had a specific frequency of
vibration and that if it could be discovered then the correct frequency of sound directed at any
given object should render the object weightless. It is not unreasonable to suppose that when the
actual sound frequency of gravity is discovered and directed into harmony with the frequency of
biological ‘strings’ then levitation may even become common place. Feats of levitation have
often been reported and in some cases even witnessed by people in their observations of some
Shaolin Monks of Tibet who have been seen levitating heavy stones to the top of steep cliffs.
Think for a moment what the technology we possess today would have seemed like to those
who lived in times past – Electric lights, cars, aeroplanes, television, cell phones, microwave
ovens; all these things are common place today yet to them would have appeared more like magic
than science. If another race exists in the billions of stars that supports planets then that race is
likely many thousands perhaps millions of years in advance of ours and the technologies they
may conceivably possess would most likely appear to be impossible to us as much as ours would
appear so to those who lived a thousand years ago.

In truth, ancient man did not practice religion as we conceive it today. In past civilizations
science and religion were intrinsically intertwined, they were not practiced as such; they were
simply a way of life. Man was aware of himself and his relationship to the universe, the creator
and those ‘Gods’ in between because it was simply the way things were – so how could it be
perceived to be any different. Of course there was the worship of mighty Gods who were held in
great fear and reverence but they were celestial gods, the planets. And again, Why? Did ancient
man have telescopes? Surely not... Did they know some of the tiny lights in the night sky were
really planets and not stars?
Of course they did.
They question is – Without telescopes, how did they know?
Would you, if you looked up to the night sky, discern and count the planets and observe their
movements? Would you be capable of predicting their orbits? Would you observe the
phenomenon of precession, a movement of 1 degree every 72 years? No, of course you wouldn’t.
And yet they knew. When man still believed the Earth was flat he knew of the precession of
the Zodiac, the entire notion is nonsensical.
The Sumerians tell us that the Zodiac was created by the Gods.
Ok, but if we take that on face value, why would the Gods even do it?
Sitchin tells us it was done to keep track of the enormously long passages of time dealt with in
tracking the orbital movements of Nibiru the planet of the Gods.
Could this truly be the case?
When examining all the aspects of these ancient religions surprisingly many of their
mythologies seem to have their basis in science and astronomy and the references are always the
same: 12 Signs of Zodiac, 12 months in the year, 12 ancient Gods, 12 disciples etc, there is also
the appearance of the number 432 or 432,000 and the continual use of the number 52, in various
different mythologies. There are always the same mathematics and astronomical references,
whatever the culture. The same can even be further seen now in the Christian religion with the
discovery of the Bible Code.

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