Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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on overwhelming geological evidence, the Sphinx is in fact, much older than even the Great

The Date or not the Date?
The work done by West and Schoch and the claims made by Hancock and Bauval in the
Keeper of Genesis at once produced a veritable storm of criticism from the Academic community.
The notion that someone who held no Doctorate or degree would dare to present such an
absurd theory infuriated them. They flatly proclaimed the authors to be wrong and refused to
speculate any further on the possibility that the sphinx was not Khafre. They bluntly dismissed
the idea of the sphinx being older than the great pyramid as ridiculous and I believe, also banned
the entire party from further access into the Giza complex to conduct any more investigations.
It is an interesting thing that any investigative team that tries to present a different theory on
the Giza complex to that which is put forth by the general academic community is subsequently
banned from further access to the site by the Society of Egyptology. It doesn’t sound like they
feel very secure in their convictions and really don’t want people messing around with the ‘facts’.
Science is supposed involve conclusions that are reached through the rational investigation of
all of the theories and all of the evidence, not conclusions arrived at through the blind assumption
of one theory as fact. No theory should ever be placed in a position where it is no longer open for
debate, especially one so loosely based on circumstantial evidence and pertaining to a site of such
significance that is still so full of mystery. But, unfortunately, in blatant disregard for the true
advancement of genuine scientific research, the Society of Egyptology is quite adamant about
banning anyone with a new theory that doesn’t quite fit with their own. It seems that they are
quite intent on keeping the real truth about the Giza complex very tightly under wraps indeed.
It’s very difficult to understand how this type of attitude and behavior could be construed as an
intelligent or scientific approach to solving the issue in any way and the reasons they may have
for doing this will be discussed later. But for now, the relevant authorities simply say: the debate
is closed because we already know, and can prove, who built them! This is of course a statement
of either pure stupidity or blatant deception because as we have already shown, it is an
assumption based on very thin circumstantial evidence. If the truth be known, there is a far
greater amount of much more conclusive evidence to dispute not only the theory, but that actually
proves that Khufu and Khafre were in fact, not the builders.
The problem that the authorities faced with is this: if Khufu and Khafre did not build them then
who did? No one can show who it actually may have been. The authorities also refuse to consider
that it may have been constructed long before 2500 BC because if it was, then history is presented
with a rather large gap of time between the civilization that built the complex and the civilization
it has been attributed too, it is a large gap in history that cannot be readily explained without
admitting our history is wrong and that an advanced civilization existed in antiquity.
That is something they wish to avoid at all cost.
It is also a matter of some sensitivity for Egypt. At present they are able to say, “Look what our
ancestors did! They built the greatest wonder on earth.” It is a matter of immense pride for them
and understandable why they may not wish to concede that it is not strictly true, that Egypt in fact
inherited the complex from a civilization that wasn’t actually theirs. But despite what Academia
says about the Giza complex, overwhelming evidence exists to dispute the time frame we have
been given for its construction.
The Sphinx is very heavily eroded with horizontal grooves, punctuated by deep vertical
fissures. Egypt’s top archeologist Dr. Zahi Hawass adamantly states that this massive amount of
erosion was caused by desert winds.
Now quite frankly, wind erosion is an extraordinarily strange claim to make, just in considering
the history of the monument. The statue was actually buried in the sand for most of its life. It was
uncovered sometime between 1417 and 1425 BC by King Thutmose IV but was soon covered
again by the desert sands. It was still buried up to its neck when Napoleon arrived in 1798 and

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