Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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simply need to hire a team of independent and impartial investigators to either prove or disprove
the theory once and for all.
Why hasn’t this been done? And why are they so against anyone doing it?
The answer is so blatantly obvious that the question doesn’t really need asking. It’s because
they know their theory is totally wrong! And they know that any real study into the site will
prove this and then our whole theory of history will come crashing down. That is why they go to
such extraordinary lengths to prevent anyone from conducting tests that they know will prove
them wrong. And don’t let’s forget that it’s the theories of Dr. Hawass and Dr. Lehner that are
being threatened here and it is they who are the ones who virtually control all Egyptology.
Imagine their embarrassment if it could be publicly demonstrated that they were both incorrect
in their theories? And not only that but it would seem they are also quite aware of the facts but
still continually go to extraordinary lengths to keep the real truth hidden from public view.
I think it’s high time the world asked them to present the evidence that proves them correct and
demonstrate to us how it outweighs the far more abundant evidence that proves them wrong
because so far, their theories have never been independently and publicly scrutinized. The good
Doctors have simply brandished their credentials and their arguments have been taken at face
value and simply accepted without the need for them to present any corroborating proof. This
type of approach to science is unacceptable and can in no way be construed as serious research.
The fact of the matter is that the entire Giza complex is a complete mystery and probably still
remains so simply because Egyptologists will not open it up to serious research. The time frame
Academia has provided for construction of the monuments makes no sense at all. The pyramids
were an incredible architectural achievement and yet the quality of all subsequent constructions in
the area steadily declined. Don’t builders usually improve with experience? Why then does the
opposite apply in Egypt? The simple truth is that the site was not built by them. John Anthony
actually summed the whole thing up very eloquently in his book ‘Serpent in the Sky’:
“Every aspect of Egyptian knowledge seems to have been complete at the very beginning. The
sciences, artistic and architectural techniques and the hieroglyphic system show virtually no
signs of a period of development; indeed, many of the achievements of the earliest dynasties were
never surpassed, or even equaled later on. This astonishing fact is readily admitted by orthodox
Egyptologists but the magnitude of the mystery it poses is skillfully understated, while its many
implications go unquestioned. How does a civilization spring, full blown into being? Look at the
1905 automobile and compare it to a modern one. There is no mistaking the process of
‘development,’ but in Egypt there are no parallels. Everything is right there at the beginning. The
answer to the mystery is of course obvious, but because it is repellent to the prevailing cast of
modern thinking, it is seldom seriously considered. Egyptian civilization was not a ‘development’
but a legacy.”
Academics like Dr. Lehner dispute the age of the pyramids or Sphinx as being circa 10,500 BC
because they simply say that Man had no civilization at that period of our history and maybe
they’re right. But what if it was not the civilization of man who constructed them? What if they
were actually constructed by those who all the ancient tales tell us they were? What if they were
built by the ancient rulers who were thought of as Gods?
In fact the actual builders and true function of the great pyramid may be far more controversial
and amazing than anyone could have imagined and this will be discussed later in this book but for
now the discussion will turn to how it may well have been done.

Stone Synthesis According to the Ancients
Egyptologists have long claimed that no ancient records exist that describe how the Pyramids
were built yet at around the age of 17, I became aware of another, very curious, Stele that is
engraved on a stone on the island of Sehel, near Elephantine, north of Aswan in Egypt (fig.84).
For some strange reason this Stele, known as ‘the Famine Stele’, has never been deemed worthy
of serious research by scholars and is merely considered to be an interesting oddity by the Society

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