(nextflipdebug5) #1


We have looked at two ways of programming Perceiver mode with
information. It is possible to learn either facts based in Perceiver
confidence or 'facts' rooted in Mercy emotion. We have looked at the
interaction between Perceiver and Mercy thought and have seen how this
circuit is affected by our method of developing Perceiver thought.
Our study of Perceiver and Mercy thought is not just a theoretical
exercise. This is because the computer which we are discussing is our
mind. Each one of us must decide how he will program Perceiver strategy.
And, since we cannot escape our minds, each of us must live with the
consequences of his decision.

A Tale of Two Countries

In order to decide intelligently how we will program Perceiver strategy,
we need to compare the results of facts and 'facts.' After all, if emotional
'truth,' confused thinking, logical thought, or no thinking at all, lead to
similar results, then why go to the bother of growing up mentally? Why not
leave things the way they are. Unfortunately, we cannot peer into another
person‟s head and directly observe his reactions and emotions.A But, we
can look at the type of society which is created by a group of people who
follow similar mental strategies. Therefore, I would like to compare two
countries which I have had the privilege of visiting. Other countries could
be chosen, but I am familiar with these two specific examples.


I suggest that Russia illustrates a country in which Perceiver strategy
operates poorly in most people: Under communism, citizens were expected
to toe the party line. Government propaganda and control ruled supreme.
All 'truth,' all 'facts,' and all 'rules' were determined by the state, and the
Mercy status associated with the party and the government mesmerized
Perceiver mode in each individual into 'knowing' what was 'true.'

A The continuing development of brain scanners may make this possible in

the future.

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