280 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind
identification to stop clutching onto its idols and allow itself to be drawn
up by the emotional „lift‟ of Teacher thought.
Making this emotional transition literally makes me feel detached from
the world. My emotional focus is no longer on experiences and how they
feel. This is because I have a general Teacher theory which explains my
reactions to experiences. This understanding makes me feel that there is
another emotional force, apart from experiences, which is holding me
One might think that this type of emotional detachment would make
me fall apart inside. However, because of my Teacher understanding, I
sense that there is an underlying order which integrates all of my
experiences. This „order‟ is present fractally, which means that it can be
sensed at many different levels. Therefore, through all of the various „ups
and downs‟ of life, a general Teacher theory observes, analyzes,
understands and creates a continuing feeling of „order within complexity‟
that allows me to „rise above my circumstances.‟
This Teacher emotion „lifts‟ me up, and is thus more than a mere
„castle in the air,‟ when two requirements are met. First, Teacher feelings
must be different than the emotions associated with me. Obviously, if
Teacher strategy acts as a „yes man,‟ echoing the sentiments of me, this
will only reinforce the feelings of me, and not change them. This is like
trying to use „wings‟ as an extra pair of legs. Wings are meant for flying,
not for walking. Similarly, Teacher feelings function differently than do
Mercy emotions and should be allowed to „fly‟ through the air of
Second, Teacher emotions must be connected with me. If I study
subjects which are not related to me, I may build positive Teacher feelings,
but they will have nothing to do with me. In order to lift me, I must study
and understand me. In other words, wings need to be attached to the body,
and not just „flown‟ by themselves.
Suppose that me does manage to gain „lift‟ from Teacher strategy.
What does it feel like? I suggest that one major effect is that a person gains
perspective. In the childish me, emotional absolutes, mental integration,
'truth' and me are very closely related. All depend upon the most emotional
experiences in Mercy strategy. The result is that any attempt to question
the significance of these specific experiences threatens my mind in
multiple ways. If you want an illustration, try analyzing the cultural
absolutes of some politically correct special interest group.A
In contrast, building my mind around Teacher emotion and
understanding allows me to stop clutching on to its specific Mercy
experiences, and to replace them with a general Teacher understanding. As
A For example, How many feminists does it take to replace a light
bulb?Answer: One, and that‟s not funny.