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282 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind

fragmentary thoughts while concentrating on, say, the flickering light of a
candle. The emotions of the event will mesmerize my Perceiver observer
into 'believing' that me and the candle belong together—they are one. This
Mercy identification will then implant the Teacher theory of „Oneness‟ into
my mind.A
But how can the mind leap from emotional identification with a
specific candle to the general statement that all is one? It already has.
When Perceiver thought is mesmerized into 'believing' a 'fact,' that 'fact'
becomes 'true' in all situations and for all times. Remember the phobia
about dogs? One bad experience with a nasty dog convinced my mind that
all dogs were bad. Similarly, if I can get Mercy thought to identify with
one object, then Perceiver strategy will 'know' the universal 'truth' that all
objects belong together.
Oneness, then, is strengthened by the practice of meditation. This
cycles words endlessly in automatic Teacher memory in order to force
them finally into the inner world of Teacher thought, where they reinforce
what Perceiver thought already 'knows.'
The Eastern mystic will then use his Teacher theory of Oneness to give
the power of „flight‟ to the me of Mercy identification. He will gain mental
perspective, let go emotionally of his tiny world of personal experiences
and look at existence on a cosmic scale. He will meditate upon his
insignificance—he is a small drop in the ocean of life, a tiny trickle in the
river of time. He will contemplate Nirvana, a selfless unity which goes
beyond space and time. He will experience the ecstasy of satori, in which
me is lost in the wonder of a universal Teacher theory.
But what about the me of the physical body? When I eat, you still
remain hungry. When you come in from the cold, it does not make me feel
any warmer. Our bodies constantly tell us that we are not all one. Surely
the mystic must come back down to solid earth once his stomach gets
empty or his bladder full. Paradoxically, I suggest that it is precisely this
contradiction which makes eastern meditation possible.

A It does this because Teacher and Mercy emotions are linked. We will

look at the process in detail when we examine „pseudo-theories.‟

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