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314 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind


If comprehension is the „doorman‟ to the internal Teacher world, then
any general theory which states that certain topics cannot be understood is
a Teacher contradiction. On the one hand, a general theory is supposed to
live within the inner sanctum of Teacher thought. On the other hand, this
same theory is being denied entrance to the internal world. Can something
be both in and not in at the same time?
So how can a general Teacher theory get away with the oxymoron of
denying general order, especially when Teacher thought feels bad
whenever it is faced with contradictions? I suggest that the answer lies in
Mercy emotion. Every general theory must have some emotional source;
Teacher theories are, by their very nature, emotional. However, the
emotions which we sense are the sum of Teacher and Mercy feelings.
Therefore, the emotional source of a Teacher understanding can be
provided by Mercy feelings and does not need to come from Teacher
thought. The result is a Mercy focus which ties together a Teacher theory.
This leads to the illusion of a general understanding: Teacher strategy is
able to hold on to certain words, and these words are associated with good
feelings. Therefore, Teacher thought feels as if it has a general
understanding—it thinks that the „gnat‟ is an „elephant‟.
A pseudo-theory is like a
person who puts on a mask and
operating gown and acts like a
medical doctor. He may look
like a doctor but he is not one.
Why? Because he does not have
the knowledge and skills of a
real physician. Similarly,
Mercy-based pseudo-theories
lack the content of a real theory.
They can survive as long as
they are not analyzed in depth.
A fake physician can be
unveiled by asking him
questions and testing his abilities. Similarly, a pseudo-theory can be
debunked by exposing it to different areas of thought and seeing if it
survives. Obviously, a pretend doctor will attempt to avoid situations
which uncover his lack of ability. In the same way, a pretend theory will
protect its emptiness by avoiding discussion which involves content.

A pseudo-theory is an imitation general understanding.
 It is a Teacher structure with words and theories.
 Strong Mercy feelings make the Teacher elements appear general.
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