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340 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind

foundational facts: Perceiver confidence gives stability to Mercy thought
by connecting individual Mercy experiences in a solid way. In contrast,
Mercy memories which are held together by Perceiver 'facts' become
relinked whenever a new defining experience comes along to establish a
new set of so-called 'connections.'
If it is only the me associated with our physical bodies that gains
Perceiver stability, then obviously the only solid facts which we will know
about people will involve their physical bodies and their external
environment. Perceiver thought will then organize people into categories
based upon physical appearance and possessions. Therefore, if individuals
look different, then Perceiver logic will decide that they are different. If
they look the same, then Perceiver thought will conclude that they also are
the same. Similarly, if people own the same types of external objects, then
Perceiver thought will think that they belong together. Likewise, if
individuals are surrounded by different kinds of external objects, then
Perceiver strategy will decide that they do not belong together. This leads
naturally to divisions based upon race, gender, and wealth.
One would predict that a society like ours, which places such a major
emphasis upon science, technology, private enterprise and democracy—all
areas related to the external world, to physical bodies, and to objective
knowledge,A would have major problems with racism, sexism and class
This means that those who protest against harassment and who preach
the „gospel‟ of political correctness have a valid complaint. However, if the
underlying problem is a lack of rational logic in the subjective, then a
„solution‟ which suppresses dialogue, avoids emotional issues and focuses
upon peripheral behavior will only make the problem worse and not better.
You don‟t cure a person by giving him more of the illness.
The me of the physical body created the problem; the me of Mercy
identification makes it worse. Remember that an emotional 'fact' is learned
when the strong feelings of a certain situation fool the Perceiver observer
into 'believing' that experiences which occurred together within a single
incident always belong together. Therefore, if I see a picture of some black
teenager beating up an old lady in the inner city, the feelings associated
with this event will hypnotize Perceiver thought into 'believing' that blacks,
violence and poverty always go hand in hand.

A Summarizing why these various areas relate to the objective: The science

of today studies the objective world and tries to avoid emotional topics;
technology gives us new and improved objects but does not tell us how to
enjoy them; capitalism is organized around the pursuit of external wealth
and assumes that personal feelings will not interfere with business;
democracy gives one vote to each adult physical body, regardless of the
maturity of its desires and aspirations.

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