352 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind
Alternate Diagram of Mental Symmetry
The same diagram can be drawn in a different manner, exchanging the
left axis with the diagonals. This „untwists‟ the right side of the diagram
and turns the diagonals into horizontal lines.
This representation shows the flow of mental processing—the path
which information takes on its way through the mind. Thinking is
motivated by feelings, provided by Teacher understanding, Mercy
experiences, and Exhorter excitement. This is shown by the first row on the
chart. These initial impressions are then guided by the second stage of
confidence, shown by the second row in the diagram. Server thought has
confidence in actions, Perceiver mode knows facts, and Contributor
strategy makes decisions based upon the excitement, drive, possibility, and
imagination generated by Exhorter thought. Facilitator analysis is the third
and final stage in mental processing. It takes the knowing and deciding of
the second stage and smoothes it out with balancing and mixing.
(Facilitator thought also adjusts the level of sensory information coming
into the mind. That influence is not shown in the diagram.)
Analytical Associative
Emotion Teacher Exhorter Mercy
Confidence Server Contributor Perceiver