356 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind
the sense of guilt. The only difference is that the new situation assigns
the blame for failure to some other cause or person. This method is
related to the syndrome.
Commitment The step which places a Server sequence within the
internal world of Server thought. Because the physical body is capable
of imposing sequences upon the external world, action and commitment
are usually related.
Common Sense The network of Perceiver facts and beliefs which
develops through experiences with the physical body and the natural
world. It is based in repetition and Perceiver confidence.
Composite Styles The composite styles are the Exhorter, Contributor,
and Facilitator. These three combine other modes of thinking. They are
responsible for the drive and motivation of thought. They are located
within the basal ganglia and the thalamus of the brain.
Comprehension The step which places information within the internal
world of Teacher thought. If a new Teacher theory has stronger
emotions than existing Teacher memories, then comprehension will be
involuntary. Involuntary comprehension is often responsible for the
mental „aha‟—in which the „light suddenly goes on‟ internally.
Concrete One of two basic types of mental information. Concrete
memories deal with experiences, actions, and events. They look at a
situation itself, and not the theory behind it. Mercy and Server modes
work with concrete information.
Confidence A mental and physical sensation related to stability. If there
is a solid connection, then confidence will be positive. If it is known
that no connection exists, then confidence will be negative. Perceiver,
Server, and Contributor strategies think using confidence. Perceiver
confidence is determined by the truth or error of facts. Server
confidence is related to the „doability‟ of actions or the existence of
sequences. Contributor confidence is based upon the relationship
between Perceiver facts and Server actions.
Conscience A Perceiver connection between two Mercy experiences
separated by time which has the potential to affect identity in a negative
way. If Mercy strategy identifies with the first experience (which feels
good), then Perceiver thought predicts that Mercy thought will also
have to identify with the second experience (which feels bad).
Conscience and patience use the same mental mechanism.
Conscious The mental „room‟ in which a person „lives,‟ determined by
cognitive style. For example, the Server person is conscious in Server
strategy. Each cognitive style has a different area of consciousness.
Culture The set of Perceiver facts, Mercy experiences, Mercy feelings,
and Server actions held in common by a group of people, and integrated