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360 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind

which hold me together are dragged through the threshold of confusion.
This causes me to fall apart and then come back together again. The
Mercy experiences which define me survive but the connections
between them change. Therefore, me is transformed but not destroyed.

Political Correctness The intolerance which results from pursuing
tolerance. Political correctness believes that each person is the source of
his own 'truth.' Groups or individuals with emotional Mercy memories
thus become the source of absolute 'truth' for all other groups or

Posterior Cortex The back of the cortex, which in turn is the folded
sheet of cells which one sees on the surface of the brain. Posterior
cortex carries out automatic thought, which stores information from the
four senses of sight, sound, taste, and touch. (The fifth sense of smell
affects frontal cortex directly.) Each of the four simple styles has access
to its own region of posterior cortex.

Pseudo-culture A set of Mercy memories which is given emotional
depth through Teacher order. The positive Teacher feelings fool Mercy
mode into feeling that the culture has deep meaning when it is actually
quite shallow.

Pseudo-theory A Teacher theory which is given its „generality‟ through
Mercy emotion. The positive Mercy feeling fools Teacher strategy into
thinking that the Teacher explanation is more general than it actually is.

Self-Confidence The level of confidence associated with the Perceiver
facts which define the me of Mercy strategy. It measures how well I
know myself. Self-confidence can also refer to the confidence which
Contributor strategy has in forming and executing plans involving me.
Because Contributor confidence is based upon a foundation of
Perceiver and Server knowing, these two definitions are closely related.
See Self-Image.

Self-Image The object which Perceiver thought forms about me. Me
consists of Mercy memories and resides within Mercy thought. Self
image is the set of facts which the Perceiver observer forms about me
by observing from next door. It is possible for Mercy feelings to
mesmerize the Perceiver observer into 'believing' certain 'facts' about
me. This results in a warped self-image. See Self-Confidence.

Simple Styles The four cognitive styles of Mercy, Perceiver, Server and
Teacher. They are called the simple styles because each uses a single
form of mental processing on a single type of information. The simple
styles deal with the content of thought. They are located within the
cortex of the brain. The composite styles are located within the sub-
cortex, and build upon this foundation of thought.

Subconscious The mental „rooms‟ in which a person does not „live.‟
This is determined by cognitive style. In the Mercy person, for instance,

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