Is the Market a Test of Truth and Beauty?

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Ȃȃȅ Partʺʺ: Politics and Philosophy

accords with human nature and with the sort of society in which people
have good chances for cooperating effectively as they pursue happiness in
their own specific ways. Ludwig von Mises and Henry Hazlitt, follow-
ing David Hume, have persuasively argued that social cooperation is such
an indispensable means to people’s pursuit of their own diverse specific
goals that it deserves recognition practically as a goal in its own right.ȂȂ
Considerations like these merit respect again in appraisals of government


Beaver, Roy A. Letter toWall Street Journal,ȁȅJulyȀȈȆȇ.

Bork, Robert.Taxpayers’ Revolt: Are Constitutional Limits Desirable?American
Enterprise Institute Round Table, JulyȀȈȆȇ. Washington, D.C.: American
Enterprise Institute,ȀȈȆȇ.

Brittan, Samuel.Ļe Political Economy of Inflation. Edited by Fred Hirsch and
John H. Goldthorpe. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,ȀȈȆȇ.

Dahl, Robert A.A Preface to Democratic Ļeory. Chicago: University of Chicago

de Jouvenel, Bertrand.On Power. New York: Viking,ȀȈȃȈ.

Downs, Anthony.An Economic Ļeory of Democracy. New York: Harper,ȀȈȄȆ.

. “Why the Government Budget is Too Small in a Democracy.”World
PoliticsȂ( JulyȀȈȅǿ):ȄȃȀ–ȄȅȂ.

Ellul, Jacques.Ļe Political Illusion. Translated by Konrad Kellen. New York:
.A Critique of the New Commonplaces. Translated by Helen Weaver. New
York: Knopf,ȀȈȅȇ.

Etzioni, Amitai. “Ļe Grand Shaman.”Psychology Todayȅ(NovemberȀȈȆȁ):

Fein, Leonard J., ed.American Democracy. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Win-

ȂȂSee Ludwig von MisesȀȈȃȈandȀȈȄȆ, esp. pp.ȄȆ–Ȅȇ; and Henry HazlittȀȈȅȃ. An
emphasis on social cooperation as a near-ultimate criterion, if not the use of the term,
traces back at least as far as Ļomas Hobbes.

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