The Future For Islam

(Tuis.) #1

Messenger of God, wouldn't you like to get married?" He replied, "To whom?"
"To either a virgin or to someone previously married, as you wish."
""'And who would the virgin be?" He asked. She replied, "That creation of
God you enjoy above all others, 'A'isha, daughter of Aba Bakr!"
"'"And who would the previously married woman he?" he asked. "Sawda,
daughter of Zamk,'' she answered. "She bas expressed belief in you and has
become your follower."
""'You may go," he told her, "and make mention of me to them."
'"She entered Abii Bakr's house and said to his wife, "Umm Roman, what
goodness and blessings God brings you!" "How do you mean?" she enquired.
"The Messenger of God (SAAS) has sent me to ask to become engaged to
'ii'isha! "
""'See Aba Bakr when he comes in," she replied.
'"Aha Bakr did come and Khawla said, "0 Aba Bakr, what goodness and
blessings God brings you! "
"'"How so?" he asked.
"'"The Messenger of God (SAAS) has sent me to ask to become engaged to
'A'isha! "
"'"And would she be proper for him? After all, she is his brother's daughter,"
he responded.
"'So I returned to the Messenger of God (SAAS) and told him that and he
replied, "Go back and tell him 'I am your brother, and you are mine, in Islam.
Your daughter would he proper for me."'
"'So I went back and told him this, and he replied, "Wait" and left. Umm
Rman told me, "Mut'im b. 'Adi has asked for her in marriage to his son; and, I
swear, Aha Bakr never before broke an agreement he had made."'
"'Abii Bakr went in to see Mut'im b. 'Adi who had his wife, Umm al-Sabi,
with him. She commented, "Well, son of Abii Quhafa, are you perhaps having
our friend change his religion and join yours if he gets married into your family?"
Aba Bakr asked Mutcim b. 'Adi, "Is this how you respond?" He replied, "It's she
who said that."
"'And so Abii Bakr left, God having relieved him of the promise he had made
to Mutcim. He returned home and told Khawla, "Call for the Messenger of God
(SAAS) to come to me." She did so and he agreed to her marriage to him, 'A'isha
at that time being six years old.
"'Khawla then left and went in to see Sawda, daughter of Zam5, saying,
"What goodness and blessings God brings you!" "How do you mean?" she
asked. "The Messenger of God (SAAS) has sent me to ask you to marry him!"
"I would like that," she replied. "Go in and tell Aba Bakr of that."
"'He was an elderly man, too old to have gone on the pilgrimage, so she went
in to him and gave him the salutation used before the coming of Islam. "Who is
that?" he asked. "The Messenger of God" (SAAS) she told him, "has sent me to
arrange his marriage with Sawda." "A fine match! What does your lady say?" he

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