The Future For Islam

(Tuis.) #1

went out with the Messenger of God (SAAS). They entered the mosque and told
the Messenger of God (SAAS), 'Make your circumambulations.' And they sat,
with their legs drawn up over their belted swords in the rna~atf; the space around
the kacba for the circumambulations.
"Abii Sufyzn came over to Mutci and asked him, 'Are you giving protection
or are you a follower?'
"He replied, 'No, I'm just protecting.'
"'Then you'll not be watched,' Abn Sufyitn told him.
"He then sat with hi until the Messenger of God ($US) had finished his
circuits, and when he left al-Mutcim and his men went with him. Then Abti
Sufyzn went off to his seat."
The account went on, "This continued for a few days, then he was given per-
mission to make the hijva, to leave for Medina.
"Shortly after the Messenger of God (SAAS) had left Mecca for Medina,
al-Mutcim b. 'Adi died. Hasszn b. Thzbit said, 'By God, I shall certainly eulogize
him!' And part of what he spoke were the following verses:
'If honour could today render any one person
everlasting, his honour would today select Mutrim.
You protected the Messenger of God from them and they
became your slaves for as long as pilgrims don the rhram and
shout "labbayka".
If all MaLddd, Q&@n or all the rest of Jurhum
were asked about him,
They would say, "He fulfils defence of his neighbour and
protects if he takes on a difficult duty,"
The shining sun above them does not look down on his like
among them, one greater or more noble.
Resolute if refusing, but kind by nature, sleeping well
even if the night is dark and he protecting another.'

I observe that this is why the Prophet (SAAS) said, on the day the prisoners were
taken at Badr, "If al-Muem b. 'Ad? were alive now and asked me about these
stinking people, I would have given them over to him."

Section: On the call of the Messenger of God (WS) to the Arab tribes during the
pilgrimage seasons to help and support him against thosepersecuting and denying
him. None of them agreed, since GodAlmighty had reserved thatgreat honour to the
answ (the "He&s"or "Partisans'y ofMedina, may God be pleased with them.
Ibn Ishzq stated, "Then the Messenger of God (SAAS) returned to Mecca,
where his people were even more antagonistic to him and his religion than
before, except for a few persons of no power who did believe.
"The Messenger of God (SAAS) would present himself at the fairs when
they were held, addressing the Arab mbes and inviting them to God, Almighty

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