'"Sa'd went on, 'So we went off and came into view of them, whereupon one
of them said to the other, 'That is the man from Yemen.' The Messenger of God
(SAAS) called over to them and explained Islam to them, and they accepted it.
He then asked them their names and they replied, 'We're the "two disgraced
men".' He commented, 'No, you're the "two honoured men"!' He then told
them to lead him into Medina. So we left and reached the outskirts of Qub~', and
there he was met by the Banii 'Amr b. 'Awf. The Messenger of God (SAAS)
asked, 'Where is Abii Umma As'ad b. Zurua?' Sa'd b. Khaythama replied, 'So
he scored (with you) before me, 0 Messenger of God; shouldn't I tell hi that?'
"'"The Messenger of God (SAAS) then passed on until he could see the date-
palms and the well there was full. He turned to Abii Bakr and said, '0 Abn Bakr,
this is where I shall stay; I saw myself staying at a stream like that of the Banii
Abad alone gives this account.
Section: On the entry of the Messenger of God (+MAS) into Medina, and where he
established therein his dwelling, comprising matters related thereto.
It has been stated above by al-Bukhui, on the authority of al-Zuhri, from Wrwa,
that the Prophet (SAAS) entered Medina at noon.
My own comment is that that could have been in the afternoon, because of what
is established in both ~ahih collections from the hadith of Isriicil, from Abii Ishaq,
from al-Bar9 b. 'Xzih, from Abii Bakr in his hadith concerning the emigration. He
stated, "We arrived at night and the people vied for the honour of having him stay
with them. The Messenger of God (SAAS) therefore said, 'I will stay with the
Banii al-Najjzr who are related by blood to 'Abd al-Muc@lih, to honour them."'
This could have been, though God knows best, on the day of his arrival at
Qub2. He may have arrived at the outskirts of Medina in the heat of the after-
noon and spent some time (resting) under the palm tree. He then proceeded on
with the Muslims and stopped at Quba1, that being at night. Furthermore, in
stating that these events transpired after noon, he could have meant at night, for
evening is indeed after noon.
Alternatively, that could refer to when he left Qub2, travelling on and only
reaching the Banii al-Najjar in the evening. This will be discussed later. But God
knows best.
Al-Bukhui recounted, from al-Zuhri, from Wrwa, that he stayed with Banii
'Amr b. 'Awf at Quha', for a score or more nights and established the mosque at
Quba' during that period.
He then mounted up, the people accompanying him, and went on until his
camel knelt with him at the site of his mosque. That place was a drying shed for
dates owned by two orphaned youths named Sahl and Suhayl. He bought it from
them and used it as a mosque. And that was among the Bana al-Najju, may God
be pleased with them.