The Future For Islam

(Tuis.) #1

Offering himself to those attending the fairs, but he
found no one to protect or invite him.
When he came to us h~s mind was put at ease and he
became pleased and contented,
He found friends and his mind became at ease, and he
received evident help from God.
He would tell us what Noah informed his people, and
what Moses said when he answered the call,
And so he came to fear no one, whether near or far away.
We gave of our best wealth and of ourselves amidst the
uproar and the shared sorrows,
Opposing all those people that he opposed, even those
who had been dear and close.
We know that there is nothing besides God, and that the
book of God has become our guide.
I would say, when praying at any temple, "Have pity, do
not show enmity towards us!"
I would say, when crossing any dangerous land, "Blessed
are You, the One relied upon."
Even if you step to one side the ways of death are
many, and it is not you who can preserve yourself.
And, by God, a man does not know how his course will
be, if he does not have God watch over him.
The thirsty date-palm will do its owner no good if it
becomes well-watered yet he becomes buried!"'

Ibn Ishnq and others quoted this, as did 'Abd AllZh b. al-Zubayr al-Humaydi
and others, from Snfyan b. Wyayna, from YahyZ b. Sacid al-An~iiri, from an old
woman of the Helpers who said, "I saw 'Abd All& b. 'Abbas visiting Sirma b.
Qays as he spoke these lines."
Al-Bayhaqi related this.

Medina was also honoured by the emigration there of the Messenger of God
(SAAS), and it became a shelter to the good agents and worshippers of God, an
impregnable stronghold and fortress for the Muslims and a place where there
was guidance for all people.
There are innumerable traditions relating to its virtues, and these we will give
elsewhere, if God wills it.
It is established in both ~ahih collections through Habib b. Yasiif, from Ja'far
b. 'Avim, from Aba Hurayra who said, "The Messenger of God (SAAS) stated,
'Faith fits into Medina lie a snake into its hole."'
Muslim also related this, from Muhammad b. hfic, from Shababa, from
'A~irn b. Muhammad b. Zayd b. 'Abd Allah b. Wmar, from his father, from Ibn
Wmar, from the Prophet (SAAS), in much the same words.

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