Al-Suddi stated, "Their killing of him occurred in the first night of Rajab, and
the last night of Jumndn al-Akhira."
I observe, that perhaps Jumadn was yet unfinished, and they believed the month
would last through the 30th night. The new moon however, was seen that night.
But God knows best.
Al-'Awfi related it thus, from Ibn 'Abbs, that it occurred on the last night of
Jumndn, which was also the first of Rajab, but they were not aware of this.
This is also given above in the hadith of Jandab that was related by Ibn Abii
In the account of Ibn Ishnq previously given it is stated that that was the last
night of Rajah, and that they feared that if they did not take the booty and seize
the opportunity the polytheists would go on into the holy territory and they
would then be unable to proceed; they therefore acted in fuU knowledge of it.
The account of d-Zuhri, from Wma, is similar. Al-Bayhaqi related it too.
But God alone knows which version is correct.
Al-Zuhri quoted Wrwa as saying, "We have been informed that the
Messenger of God (SAAS) paid the blood-money for Ibn d-Hdrami and
recognized the sacred nature of the holy month as he always had until God sent
down his exemption." Al-Bayhaqi related this.
Ibn Is&q stated, "Abn Bakr 'the Trusting' spoke verses about the raid led by
'Ahd All& b. Jahsh in response to the polytheists and the charges they had made
about making killing permissible in the holy month." Ibn Hish~, however,
attributed these verses to 'Abd All& b. Jahsh.
"You consider killing in the holy month as a grave
matter, but there are graver matters to those who view
(lie) Your rejection of what Muhammad says and your
disbelief in him, and God sees and knows all.
And your expelling its people from God's temple so that
no one may be seen there prostrating before Him,
Even though you blame us for killing him, more damaging
to Islam is the evil-doer and the envier.
We slaked our lances on Ibn al-Hadrami at Nakhla when
W%qid set war alight in blood.
While Ibn 'Abd Alhh Wthmm is among us restrained by
a strong leather strap."
Section: Concerning the change in the prayer direction in 2 AH before the battle of
Some authorities maintain that this occurred in Rajab of the second year of the
hegira. Qamda and Zayd h. Aslam stated this, in a tradition related from
Mubmmad b. Isbq.