The Future For Islam

(Tuis.) #1

daughter of the Messenger of God (SAAS), from Abii alLCAs, hut he was not able
to bring about their separation."
I comment that it was only in the year of the truce of al-Hndaybiyya, in the
year 6 AH that God made it unlawful for Muslim women to marry polytheists, as
will be shown hereafter, if God wills it.
Ibn Ishaq stated that Yahya b. 'Abbad b. 'Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr related to
him, from his father who quoted 'A'isha as having said, "When rhe Meccans sent
ransom money for their men who were prisoners, Zaynab, daughter of the
Messenger of God (SAAS), sent money on behalf of Abii al-'As. She sent the
necklace for him that Khadija had given her upon her marriage to Abii al-'As.
She said, 'When the Messenger of God (SAAS) saw it, he was greatly touched
for her and said, "If you should think fit to deliver her prisoner to her and to
return to her what is hers, then do so." They replied, "Yes, Messenger of God."
And they did release him and returned her property to her.'"
Ihn Ishaq stated, "Those named to us as having been freed by the Messenger of
God (SAAS) without ransom having been paid for them include: of the Banii
Umayya, Abii al-'As h. al-Rahic, and of the Banii Makhziim, al-Mufplib b.
Hantab b. al-Haitb b. Wbayd b. Wmar b. Makbznm. He was taken prisoner by
one of the Banii al-Hitrith b. al-Khazraj. He had been left in their custody until
he was released, whereupon he rejoined his own people."
Ibn Ishaq went on, "The Messenger of God (SAAS) had required of him
(Abii alLCAs) that he allow free movement to Zaynab, which meant that she could
emigrate to Medina. And Abii alLCAs did keep to his agreement, as will be told."
It is at this point that Ibn Ishaq related this; however, we have deferred tell-
ing of it, since that is more appropriate. But God knows best.
We have previously related how alLCAbbas b. 'Abd al-Mutfalib, uncle of the
Prophet (SAAS), ransomed himself and Wqayl and Nawfal, sons of his two
brothers, for 100 umqiyu of gold.
Ibn Hisham stated, "It was Ahn Ayyiib Khiilid b. Zayd who captured Abii
Ibn Ishaq stated, "Sayfi b. Abii Rifa'a b. 'A'idh b. 'Abd AUab b. Wmar b.
Makhzm was left in the custody of his captives. They agreed with him that he
would send them his ransom and so let him free; but he did not keep his word.
On that subject Hassan b. Thzbit spoke the lines,
'Sayfi's word was not one to be trusted, like the trail
of some fox that rested at a watering hole."'
Ibn Ishaq continued, "Abii 'Azza 'Amr b. 'Abd All?& b. Wthman b. Uhayb b.
Hudhzfa b. Jum& was a poor man with daughters to support. He said, '0
Messenger of God, you know my state of finances. I am poor and have a family,
so be gracious to me.' The Messenger of God agreed to be gracious to him on
condition that he did not support anyone else against him. Abii 'Azza spoke the
following lines in praise of the Messenger of God (SAAS) for this action,

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