understanding, provide for an open dialogue, and help generate
resolution options, not only can parties resolve the current
conflict situation, but they can also avoid future controversies.^199
Moreover, mediators are impartial third parties who have
experience in the mediation process and who have special
knowledge and understanding of the particular claims.^200 In
addition, mediation does not involve credibility determinations,
which could have negative consequences for future employment
prospects.^201 Finally, parties pursuing mediation will likely
expend less time and money to resolve the dispute, reducing the
burden of employees with little to no resources.^202
Opponents, however, argue that the mediation process could
impose “undue settlement pressures” on the weaker party.^203 As
mediation is a nonadjudicative and less formal process, the
weaker party may feel intimidated and forced to accept an unfair
agreement.^204 Moreover, the mediator may not always recognize
the power imbalance between parties.^205 As for the EEOC
mediation program, civil rights activists argued that language
barriers could restrict access for some plaintiffs pursuing
charges.^206 Since mediation is a voluntary and collaborative
(1971)); Seagriff, supra note 159, at 598.
(^199) See RISKIN ET AL., supra note 152, at 222–26; Sander, supra note
154, at 13–14.
(^200) See FitzGibbon, supra note 158, at 717 (citing Christopher A. Barreca
et al., A Due Process Protocol for Mediation and Arbitration of Statutory
Disputes Arising out of the Employment Relationship, DISP. RESOL. J., Oct.–
Dec. 1995, at 37–39); Seagriff, supra note 159, at 596–99 (discussing how
having a neutral third-party facilitator can help resolve workplace bullying
(^201) FitzGibbon, supra note 158, at 718 (citing Sara Adler, Sexual
Harassment Claims Lend Themselves to Mediation, L.A. DAILY J., Feb. 18,
1994, at 7).
(^202) See id. at 717; Roselle L. Wissler, The Effects of Mandatory
Mediation: Empirical Research on the Experience of Small Claims and
Common Pleas Courts, 33 WILLAMETTE L. REV. 565, 567–68 (1997).
(^203) See Wissler, supra note 202, at 573.
(^204) Id.
(^205) See id.
(^206) See Swendiman, supra note 185, at 402–03.