14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

108 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

enough explanation is given, be prepared to say, The show chron-
icles the trials and tribulations of people who can’t throw anything

  1. Say, The writer of our Study Guide tells of one apartment manager
    in a Hoarders episode who had a couple whom she had to evict. They
    were living in total squalor. She had warned them in writing about
    their behavior. Finally, after months of pleading, she had to forcefully
    evict them. Why? During their entire time in the apartment, almost
    a year, they hadn’t once taken out the trash. The property manage-
    ment company needed to bring in a forty-foot dumpster just to clean
    out the apartment! If we are not watchful, filth can fill our lives. In
    fact, slavery to sin doesn’t occur overnight. It is a process of hoarding
    evil thoughts, attitudes, and actions over a long period of time. The
    Bible’s call to purity can be the solution to a life of suffocating sin.

Guide Bible Study

  1. Ask someone to read Psalm 24:1–6 and then write the following
    bullet points on a whiteboard, chalk board, or art paper:

    • A description of God as creator (v. 1–2)

    • A description of the purity requirements for worship (v. 4–6)

    • Using content from the Study Guide, deliver a brief lecture
      on the meaning of these verses. Give special attention to the
      two questions (24:3) that cut to the heart of worship.

  2. Direct the class to silently read Ephesians 5:1–16. Lead a discussion
    on this passage by asking the following questions based on content
    found in the Study Guide:

    • What is Paul calling the church to do? (maintain pure hearts
      and clean lives)

    • Paul lifted up Jesus at the supreme example of what?
      (sacrificial love)

    • What are some of the sins of self-indulgence that Paul
      mentions? (sexual immorality, greed, sins of speech—these
      are all considered forms of idolatry)

    • In your opinion, what are the definitions of these sins and
      why are they such a big deal to Paul?

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