14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

Lesson 10: Service 115

found in living out the teachings of Christianity as expressed in service
to others.
In Mark 10 Jesus redefined identity and power by calling his follow-
ers to be discontent with sitting next to his throne. Rather, the disciple
is to sit at the foot of the Master, hear his call to serve in a sacrificial
manner, and help others connect with the ransom Jesus paid. Lead par-
ticipants to consider whether they are positioning themselves as those
sitting next to or at the feet of Jesus.
If in Mark 10 Jesus offered a strong teaching on the call to service,
in John 13 he embraced and illustrated this very instruction in a most
enduring and catalytic image. The discipline of service involves self-
emptying and joining Jesus where he is: washing off the collected dirt
and grime of our world. To wash another’s feet requires a gentle aware-
ness, a delicate touch, and an intimate proximity of relationship. Lead
participants to consider how they might join Jesus in his endeavor to
wash what the world labels as “dirty.”
In James 2 the teaching and example of service offered by Jesus is
wedded to the life of faith expressed by the disciple of Jesus. One cannot
in good faith claim Christianity while simultaneously refusing to live a
disciplined life of service. Though service can be manifested in a variety
of venues, this passage speaks to one concrete and specific area. Lead
participants to consider who in their community might regularly expe-
rience a lack of clothing and daily food. Encourage them to decide what
Christ-followers can practically do to build relationships and help these
brothers and sisters secure their most basic of needs.


Teaching Plan—Varied Learning Activities

Connect with Life

  1. Provide a sheet of standard size construction paper (9”x11” in a
    variety of colors) for each class member. Write on a poster board

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