14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

142 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

Say, Ten law-abiding and humble lepers asked for Jesus’ mercy,
and he went beyond their request; he healed them. Nine of them
simply failed to thank Jesus afterwards. Why do we sometimes fail
to give thanks to God and others who cross our path and bless us?

  1. Explain how Jesus blessed the Samaritan leper who remembered
    to thank him, including commentary on the words “your faith has
    made you well” that describe the healing of not only the body, but
    of the inner being of the soul.

Encourage Application

  1. Refer to the sidebar “Growing in Thankfulness” in the Study Guide.
    Invite members to add their own suggestions for creating the habit
    of thankfulness. Encourage them to choose one of the suggestions
    to practice in the coming week.

  2. Before closing in prayer, ask someone to read aloud 1 Thessalonians


  1. Psalms 1—41 (Book 1); Psalms 42—72 (Book 2); Psalms 73—89 (Book 3); Psalms
    90—106 (Book 4); and Psalms 107—150 (Book 5). Careful study reveals that much care
    was taken in assembling the Psalter, the hymnal of the Bible.

  2. Luke’s account of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem, found in 9:51—19:27, is typically divided
    into three phases: 9:51—13:21; 13:22—17:10; and 17:11—19:27.

  3. Robert Grant, “O Worship the King” in Christian Psalmody by Edward H. Bickersteth,
    1833. See http://cyberhymnal.org/htm/o/w/owtking.htm, accessed October 2013.

  4. Francis of Assisi, circa 1225, “All Creatures of Our God and King.” Translated
    to English by William H. Draper for a children’s Whitsuntide festival in
    Leeds, England; first appeared as in the Public School Hymn Book, 1919. See
    http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/a/c/acoogak.htm, accessed October 2013.

  5. See
    http://www.cdc.gov/nczved/divisions/df bmd/diseases/hansens_disease/technical.html ,
    accessed October 2013.

  6. See more fully Leviticus 13—14.

  7. The Greek particle ouchi signals that Jesus expected his question to be answered

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