14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

Lesson 13: Witnessing 149


Teaching Plan—Varied Learning Activities

Connect with Life

  1. Say, Years ago there was a reality show on television called Fear
    Factor. It featured contestants doing things like lying in a box of
    snakes or swimming through a small tunnel underwater. The suc-
    cessful contestants won money. When faced with the opportunity
    to give a verbal witness for Christ and declare the gospel, Christians
    often experience a “ fear factor.” We may believe in Jesus, but panic
    when it comes to making a clear proclamation of the gospel to others.
    Ask, With such a wonderful opportunity, what are we afraid of?
    List responses on the board. If someone says that fear is not a factor,
    list that response as well.
    Say, Our aim today is to review the basic truths of the gospel and
    to consider declaring it with confidence to someone this week.

Guide Bible Study

  1. Create three groups and assign the following case study/Scripture
    searches: (A copy of these group assignments is available in “Teaching
    Resource Items” for this study at http://www.baptistwaypress.org))
    Group One: You have arranged to have a quiet lunch with a friend
    who does not know Christ. You want to share the basics of what is
    necessary to become a Christian. The friend believes that being a
    good person is enough to be saved. In your group, ask someone to
    read aloud Romans 10:8–11. What are the main truths that your
    friend needs to know?
    Group Two: You have a friend to whom you need to witness, but his
    culture and lifestyle are entirely different from your own. In your
    group, ask someone to read aloud Romans 10:11–15. Whom does
    the Lord invite to be saved? What is the responsibility of Christians
    in reaching others?

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