14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

32 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

  1. As you read Psalm 51:13–19, ask members to listen for what can
    take place in a disciple’s life as a result of honest confession (teach
    others; testimony that leads to changed lives; praise God; heart sac-
    rifice versus ritualistic sacrifice; experience true worship). Share
    a personal testimony of a time you experienced any of these fol-
    lowing a time of confession, and then invite others to share their

  2. Remind members that confession is not just an Old Testament
    practice that ceased when Jesus appeared. Confession remains an
    important habit for disciples as explained throughout the New
    Testament. Use the final paragraph in “Walking in the Light” from
    the Study Guide to introduce 1  John 1:9. As you read the verse,
    invite members to identify and define the four responses of God to
    a believer’s confession (faithful, just, forgive, purify).

Encourage Application

  1. Lead members to ask God to conduct a spiritual check-up of their
    lives and to honestly confess their sin. Instruct members to move
    their chairs apart to create a private space away from other mem-
    bers. Use the following instructions as you guide the class through
    this time of prayer and meditation. Give ample time for each step
    as you read the following instructions.

    • Close your eyes, bow your head, and focus on being in the
      presence of God. This is your time to restore and renew your
      relationship with God. Clear your mind of all distractions.

    • In your own words, express to God the plea of David to “Have
      mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love” (Ps.

    • Romans 3:23 says that we all have sinned and fall short of
      God’s expectations. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the sin in
      your life. Be careful not to disregard or excuse any sin the Holy
      Spirit might call to your attention.

    • Confess your sin and honestly own your disobedience to
      God. Name each sin and repent of each one. Ask for God’s

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