Disability Law Primer (PDF) - ARCH Disability Law Centre

(coco) #1

Ontario Regulation 299/10, “Quality Assurance Measures”, provides further
details on the requirements for a Behaviour Support Plan^40 , safety and security
measures^41 , reporting incidents of abuse^42 , and the use of intrusive interventions
and training on intervention techniques^43. The Ministry has also released a
“Guide to the Regulation on Quality Assurance” which can be read here:

VII. Abuse and Available Recourse

A. Incidents of Abuse^44

Abuse can cause both physical and mental harm. It can include:

  • physical abuse such as slapping, pushing, kicking, holding down, use of
    lifts and aids inappropriately to purpose inflict pain and fear, etc.;

  • neglect such as depriving a person of food, water, shelter, heat, medical
    care or hygiene;

  • emotional and psychological abuse such as insults, segregation, forced
    feeding, depriving of activities of interest, denial of access to an intimate
    partner, harassment or intimidation;

  • sexual abuse such as unwanted touching;

  • financial exploitation such as misusing funds or assets or denying the
    individual access to their funds or assets.

(^40) Ontario Regulation 299/10 s 18.
(^41) Ibid s 12
(^42) Ibid s 8 and 9
(^43) Ibid s 19- 21
(^44) Under section 1 of Ontario Regulation 299/10 abuse is defined as, “abuse” means action or
behaviour that causes or is likely to cause physical injury or psychological harm or both to a
person with a developmental disability, or results or is likely to result in significant loss or
destruction of their property, and includes neglect;

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